The Enneagram is a personality system. It is deceptively simple to use, yet robust enough for large teams working with complex situations.
The Enneagram is a profoundly accurate archetypal framework that delivers in-depth insight into individuals, relationships and teams. It offers a rich map to personal development. It does not box people in, but rather opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness.
The model is divided into nine primary architypes each with a distinctive lens on the world and strategy to thrive. Additional layers provide a more nuanced view into each person's unique personality.
While other personality tools stop at naming "what" a person’s or team’s likely behaviors are, the Enneagram reveals underlying motivations and core beliefs that drive behavior – or the "why" people behave the way they do.
This distinction is essential to successful human development. When a person gains this understanding, they can change and direct their behavior in order to reach their full potential.
The Enneagram is human development on steroids.
We use the Enneagram as a means to fast-track leadership development. It is a proven power-tool that creates self-awareness by revealing the underlying motivation that drives patterns of behavior.
Armed with this knowledge, we coach leaders and teams to be conscious of what is propelling them and what outcomes they create. As awareness evolves, we teach them to shift behaviors in order to achieve better results. They feel empowered. Their development process is accelerated and it also gains durability and magnitude over time.
It all starts with a short online Enneagram assessment. The resulting report is an accurate reveal of a persons’ personality stemming from their underlying motivation. The big benefit is that people instantly recognize themselves in their Enneagram profile which translates to quick uptake of awareness, learning and action – the underpinnings of sustained behavioral development.
We combine years of Enneagram expertise with modern leadership development methods and skilled coaching to unlock the human potential of business leaders and teams. The Enneagram is at the core of what we do.