Comprehensive programs to advance leadership assets
Our programs are designed for senior executives who need their leaders and teams to operate at next-level performance in the context of ever-increasing complexity, opportunity and uncertainty.
We offer simple yet highly impactful leadership development that swiftly translates to elevated human performance.
Uncomplicated and robust framework that’s deceptively easy to use
Rapid adoption creates quick successes that propagate
Accurate, instantly relevant and immediately transferable to day-to-day performance
Leadership development is ultimately about human development.
Our programs advance leadership capabilities by expanding the inner-leader which in turn helps the outer-leader play a profoundly bigger game. Every development experience we deliver is built on the belief that leaders and teams must have self-knowledge in order to understand how their impact - on others, the situation and themselves - creates both success and challenge. Then we teach them to create more success and less challenge. They become masterful leaders.
Programs are delivered by seasoned business coaches, teach core and advanced leadership competencies, incorporate leading-edge Enneagram methods, and include aspects of adult development, advanced leadership, emotional intelligence, behavioral science, design thinking and gestalt-based team development.
Program Services
"Because of Cynthia, I’m a much better leader. She posed questions that forced me to pause and think about things differently.” - Cor Bosselaar, Global Director of Innovation
Executive Coaching
Strengthen your leadership from the inside out and outside in, setting the stage for next-level results. Being an effective leader in today's ever-changing, competitive and complex world is terrifically demanding and requires self-development to keep up. As Marshall Goldman's adage goes - "what got you here won't get you there". The challenge is that leaders are often so stretched that skilling up their leadership suffers and so does the business. We provide professional coaching that is targeted and produces tangible sustained leadership growth. And this is good for business.
We partner with top talent to expand their leadership practices. To build confidence and muscle-memory in new approaches, and address what is holding them back. We challenge, reflect, and hold accountability. Our secret-sauce? Develop the Internal Leader’s self-awareness, conscious choice and self-management – what gets them stuck and unstuck. Develop the External Leader’s ability to affect success in new ways and with greater consistency.
Team Development
“Accelerate. Cynthia taught my E-staff to communicate and engage in ways that accelerate solutions.” - Ken Denman, CEO
Fast-track operating as "One-Team" that is greater than its parts. Business success requires a united high-performing team. One that leans in and pulls together to solve problems, think strategically and build future forward operations. "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." – Michael Jordan. The difficulty is that it takes effort to build, adjust and re-build team performance - especially given leadership changes, talent additions, transitions, reorganizations and remote work.
We take the time and energy out of becoming a strong high-performing team. In a matter of days, we build your team’s collegial intimacy - trust, communication and collaboration – the bedrocks of being united. We guide the team to gain deeper insight into their colleagues’ internal operating systems – motivation, behaviors, communication style – and to reveal their own. The assumptions, mis-interpretations and mis-communications give way greater confidence and trust in each other. And, to truly satisfying connection that propels the team’s spirit and performance.
"Eye opening and phenomenal. She can get senior leaders comfortable fast so everyone can be vulnerable and talk about what really matters." - Tushar Shah, SVP
Team Coaching
Accelerate strategic leading. Advanced leadership teams reflect on how their collective leading – their gestalt – impacts the organization’s performance and adjust it to drive better results. Each leadership team has a unique operating system or gestalt of innate behavior patterns. As these patterns propagate throughout the organization they drive operational success and sometimes failure. The challenge is how to gain clarity about the team’s gestalt, impacts and needed adjustments?
We advance your teams’ ability to lead the organization strategically. We provide clarity and learning that quickly translate to better operational results. How? By revealing what the leadership team’s gestalt is, why it affects the organization’s performance and how to make beneficial changes. Armed with this information, leadership teams can produce productive behavior, proactively mitigate hidden pitfalls, and fix systemic issues that cause, for example: distrust, missed deadlines, fire drills, poor quality, missed deadlines, costly surprises, burnout, client dissatisfaction, and turnover.
Leadership Programs
"We used Cynthia to grow our managers into the next leaders. In six-months they went from taking orders to driving new directions. It was a phenomenal change.” – Johnathan Choi, SVP at Machine Zone”
Expedite development of high-potentials into your next cadre of leaders. As the business ramps and changes, there’s a need for next-level directs to become the leaders of tomorrow. They already know the business and embody the values. To become the human assets you need, they must learn core leadership concepts, competencies and strengthen their leader voice. Without in-house leadership development expertise, growing next-level leaders can be inconsistent, slow and an energy drain.
We make developing your next level of leaders simple, impactful and swift. Our program curriculum is a powerful combination of Enneagram based development, macro and micro leadership concepts and models, a learning community, executive coaching, and experiential approaches. They build leadership capabilities, strengths and problem-solving skills that the business needs and can trust.